I had a very sweet but very sexist boss who told me I wasn't eligible for a promotion to "manager" because of my "family commitments." (I was a single mother of two--the other candidate was male with a stay at home wife). At first I inwardly thought "going to sue the pants off you" but he went off to get coffee and I suddenly thought--that promotion will involve hours of reports and spreadsheets and such instead of what I was actually doing (working directly with defaulted contractors) and I LIKED what I did. By the time he got back, I found my self relieved, with a sensation that my eternally striving (and now late) father had evaporated off my back. The pay differential wasn't all that great, and I did get a raise in any event.

I eventually did get the title manager--I didn't really want it, since "attorney" worked better on letters for what I did. But by that time we were working out of our homes (way pre-Covid) and there wasn't much "management" work to do.

Because the job involved folks who had defaulted--contractors, auto dealers, fiduciaries, etc) the workload went WAY up during the 2008 recession and no, no overtime. But I turned 65 in 2009 and said I would retire to get Medicare, which was better insurance than my company offered. They asked me to stay on as "consultant" until a retirement trip I had planned, at an hourly fee, doing exactly the same work I had been. And boy did I make a lot more money each month, even after the business taxes and such connected with being my own "company."

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