You and I just had an exchange on my comment on Popular Information. You made sense so I checked out your site and you make even more sense. So I've subscribed to you--sorry I can't pledge, but I'm retired and supporting a disabled adult daughter and I'm plum out of money for more substacks. But keep on truckin'!!

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Again you are right on. This nation and its so called leaders needs an oil

change and tune up. You are the best my son from another mother.

Peace T

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This country needs an enema!

Alright CJ. Another winning essay. Thank you for iniviting me.

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Bravo! I could rant for hours about the ugly trappings of Christian nationalism, and how the movement wants their scorched-earth doctrine written into law, but I will spare you the misery. Just know that I’m in lock step with you and your views and I appreciate your eloquent prose.

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